hiya guys i need some feeding tips for me little froggies.
ones seems to eat ok but the other one jstu dotn seem to wanna eat. Was todl to try n feed em 3 times day, one will eat at least 1 item each time but the other one just dont seem to want to eat once a day.
Any reason?? we do tsake then out and seperate them at feeding times so we can see who is eating etc. but as soon as u put him in the feeding tub he wants to get out. poor littlemite!
so any help greatfulyl accepted as caresheets dont tell you what to do if they dont eat. Have 1 book but not very informative when it comesto feeding and waiting for books from amazon Lin x
-- Edited by Lizardlover at 12:39, 2007-09-04
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs