brought them home from the shop to look after them properly as i aint got time to go to shop much this week.
Spyro has the front L leg missing so waiting for that to heal and see how he does and Polo - well think the pictures explains his name bless!
Hopefully he will do well hole will heal and he can go back to shop to be sold! will keep you updated on him!. for 2 very little guys they can certainly move hee! Spyro Polo both together so u can see size difference this is my neice with Yoshi
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs
hee well! sumones gotta look after the little fella's dont think i got any "normal" beardies now! Even poor Oscar still dont walk properly on his gammy leg!
Good thing is i did manage to sort out 1 beardie in the shop with a bad leg. me n Tony sorted him out with a splint for a week - wow good as new now but again he was only a baby!
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs
it certainly does - just like yoshi and his 3 legs. hey before long ill end up with looking after 4 beardies all with different legs missing! still sum1's gotta luv em!! omg yes they are really fast little critters, but so tiny its hard to pick em up - im scare inscare i squueeeeeeeeeeeeze him ! he just feels like a puff! if you know what i mean all empty!
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs