Hehe. Did you notice the price they were going for? Simon I know I answered your question but this is the answer again in a photo form. I was taking close up photo yesterday. They did calm down but every now and then they would try and bite me like you see in the photo but their mouths are too small.
Wow that is an Excellent picture! great close up! That doesn't actually look like it hurt. Did it peirce the skin? From that pic you cant actually see any teeth
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs
Thanks. Out of 10ish attempts between them only twice did the teeth pierce the skin.
Adult size is 30-36 inches.
The male is 24 inches and the female is 19inches.
When they are in their cage and bite me most the they do pierce the skin but only once was has blood been drawn because I saw him strike and tried to pull my hand away in time but he got me and all I had was 2 tiny scratches. When I was handling them they calmed down so much but as you see in the picture attempted to bite every now and then.
oh how i would love to go out and get a pair! but hubby would say no lol apparently we got enough snakes .........................i dont call 5 enough heehee
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs