Not heard of either of these guys. Are they rare in the trade or have I missed a trick? Does the whistler have a sound to go with the name?
I bet that columbian 'giant' is not quite that yet! I love slings, in the same way that puppies have to 'grow into' their paws and ears, spids have to 'grow into' their hairs! Looking forward to the sub-adult and adult shots. What is the estimated max for wee boab?
Andy I got stella the whistler from the spider shop, she is such a cool little lady, her webs so far are off the planet. As for wee boab, he is gonna be more legs than anything else, his end size is 8 inches usually with three of that being legs.
I will post some pics of her webs soon, as for wee boab I cant really touch him he just shed last night.
I would never handle these spiders, ever, as the whistling spider is notoriously hostile and gives a very nasty bite indeed and all reports on it tell of farm dogs being bitten and sometimes having fatal consequences. She is extremely fast, and I aint joking. As for wee boab, he will grow up to be a rather agressive spider and as you will read on any care sheets for his species, he is a rather odd tarantula as he is built to do a crazy like spin and throw hairs at you, so best left alone me thinks
Handling any spider is really not recommended, more docile and less fast moving species such as chile roses etc, can sometimes be handled, but with any spider, the spiders own temprement and experience of the owner is the two key deciders in whether to handle or not. Any good shop or internet supplier of tarantulas will fully advise you of the species of spider you are about to buy, and most will advise you not to handle them.
Tarantulas make lovely display pets, and thats kinda the way I like them to be. Thats when you fully see them at their best in their own habitat, webbing, eating, running, or even flicking hairs at you.
Have fun................................Linda
I will post some pics up soon of stellas new web she has spun, which is truly stunning.
wow they sound very scary lol i would love to keep a chile rose 1 because they are nice looking and 2 some of them can be held the ones in tonys shop are all docile they never flick hairs at you but they always manage to wrao your hands in web lol
2.0.0 bearded draogns 1.0.0 amel stripe motely corn 1.0.0 amel corn 0.1.0 green blotch snow corn 0.1.0 snow motely corn 0.0.1 corn cross rat 2.2.0 whites tree frogs
kinda a scarey pic of stella in her house, this is what she does, she blocks the entrance with her bum then as soon as you make any movement she comes racing out her house in a hostile angry mode.
wow wicked web! Thanks for sharing Linda So what happens when you got to clean out their homes, how do you go about it if you cant handle them! if they are that hostile i would be dead scared to go anywhere near her home!
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs
yeah you dont mess withe whistling spider like linda said they are notorious for biting dogs and people but still a fascinating species to say the least