Born with 5 kinks october 06 and could not move around properly jsut kept going in circles. Owner suggested putting him down as he coudl hardly move and refused to eat. So a challange was set for me n George to see what we could do. I took advise and stuff from anyone that offered it and tried almost everything - except live! ended up chopping up pinkies and syringe feeding him. He was getting food into him and going through the motions. 2 kinks started to disappear as he started puttin on a little weight. When i 1st weighed him he was 6 grams - bless! Then came Ian! wow something that actually worked. IT was hard but i kept going. This was him after some time just keeps getting stronger. He then started eating with scented pinks. Now eats fluffs without scenting which he has only recently stated to do. Now weighs around 70 grams Tihs is him now! with only 2 kinks left. Hopefully they will go in time. thanks for looking and reading
-- Edited by Lizardlover at 11:28, 2007-08-28
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs
cheers hun! he is now such a little sweetie. I dotn know what caused the kinks but i know that obviously some can disapear and its not hinderd him in anyway as far as feeding goes. as once he did start to take food he managed to pass it without any problems.
Only problem we now have is think Pete is Petra lol! so just go to be careful if we do decide to put sonic in with him when Sonic is older.
Think maybe when Pete is bigger will take him for a trip to see Shelton (vet) and see if he can say if the kinks will cause any problems.
2.0.0 Beardies 2.0.0 Corns - both Amel 0.2.0 Corns both snows 0.1.0 Corn x Rat 0.0.4 Whites tree frogs